
i NEED this helmet!!!

how cool is that? a mirror disco ball helmet! if you can't spend the 580€ for the one from ilil check out the diy   i found!


you must be kidding

just heard that there is a new discussion going on about kate upton! can't believe what i heard! people honestly have the opinion that this pretty model is FAT?!?!?! seriously? what's wrong with you guys? that's what you call fat? can't believe this! really makes me angry! i wish i would have a body like her..seems like you can make a lot of money with it! i really wanna see the people who call her fat..honestly..show yourself! you are freaking sick!
do you really wanna see girls like that ---->

I DON'T! this looks more like a freakshow! so stop yelling out this bullshit and stop making young girls getting an eating disorder


five finger skeleton hand ring bracelet

i tried to find the first one but found the second one instead and got gasping by seeing the price....wanna take a look?? but don't say i didn't warn you!!! prepare..ready? GO!

p.s.: found another one just right now for a nice price...got to shopatviki


ring the bells

pretty cool bell bottom pants from blank nyc

hot or not?

my first thought was "mj would've rock them on stage"! i'm not really sure if i totally go crazy for these metallic details boots or if they make you look like a clown! i'm sure if erin watson or miranda kerr would wear them it would look great! get them here! go for gold!!

that' what i need right now

still tired from new years eve...so gimme that stuff! get it here